Technical Book Section |
Serving readers |
Book Section expresses the liaison between tradition and novelty.
Tradition must not be considered something static. Launched
in 1974 from the desire of separating the scientific books
from the novels, the `Technical Book` Section of Mures County
Library possess today 32 thousands volumes. We are the witnesses
of the modernization of the information technologies. The
Book will not disappear and the Library has more and more
a role of mediator between tradition and innovation.
Free access to the shelves does
not only mean abandoning the readers among the shelves. Changing
the mentality of the librarian from a simple observer into
reader's guide is one of the priorities of our activity. The
flow of readers, especially pupils and students, makes us
intensifying the activity with the public by guiding the readers
in using the catalogues, recommending the thematic shelves
and windows, giving punctual information, organizing photo
exhibitions in the Section's lobby. We have created and perfected
an information instrument that few libraries from our country
have: the analytic catalogue on subjects from electronics,
electrotechnics, informatics, and car's construction. These
combine tradition with modernity and encompass publications
issued after 1975 up to the date. The catalogue values the
content of the book and offers rapid information.
In order to support the
students with their essays, we are updating the analytic file
`Personalities of Romanian and Universal Science and Technique`.
The user is the starting point and also the arrival point
of each activity. In this context, Section has diversified
its activities for the users. Together with the traditional
services - the alphabetic catalogue, the systematic catalogue,
the analytic catalogue on subjects, the file `Personalities`,
the catalogue `Novelties`, we are developing the modern services-data
base. Information technologies determine the users to think
over their demands of information. It can be noticed that
the readers come to the library in order to seek information
of a personal matter, not only on cultural or educational
purpose. Library helps them to obtain the most varied information:
legislation, work market, engineering, informatics, management,
marketing, economics, plants cultivation, and domestic repairs.
Information instruments help them with anything they may want
to find out. More and more users consult the database, using
CD Rom-s, and are familiar with the Internet. For these users,
documentation with electronic instruments is more familiar
than traditional documentation; such kinds of users represent
a challenge for the librarians.
Not only the new techniques
are in a continuous change, but also the needs of the users.
The future of the library depends on the new services offered
to the beneficiaries. The librarian is not only a fine connoisseur
of all the books, but a specialist in transmissions of data.
He/she is an intermediary between the publications and the
means of refinding them. A nice, competent librarian, willing
to protect his occupation, is conscious that it is on his
activity that depends the success in education and other areas,
based on the information from the library.