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Section of Bibliographical Information Typing on computer

     The activity of Bibliographical Information service focused on local bibliography has its beginnings in the '50, consolidating its activity in the last decade.
Local bibliography is dedicated to study and distribution of periodical publications and other documents containing information from history, geography, economy, socio-politic and cultural life of a certain territory.
     So, in our daily activity, within this section of Mures County Library, we find, systematize and valorize the information referring to our county.
One of the ways of putting into light the richness of local information existing in the library is by publicizing them. Local bibliographical publications, however, are always based on catalogues. We keep these catalogues separately:
   -Periodicals (newspapers, magazines, yearly books, calendars, almanacs) edited and printed in Mures County after 1990;
   -Books, albums, map edited and printed in Mures County after 1990;
   -Books referring to Mures County, issued after 1990, no matter of the place of edition/printing;
   -Books of Mures authors, issued after 1990, no matter of the place of edition/printing.   
Beside these catalogues, the local bibliography section has, as information instruments:
   -Catalogue `Personalia`, which encompasses the bio-bibliographical file (completed or partial) of Mures personalities from all the fields, during the years,
   -File of local press reviews (and not only) issued after 1990, with local references.
Using this catalogues and files, is being realized the publication in separate volumes of those local bibliographies that we trust that are useful and scientific instruments serving the local research.
     The first local bibliography in the chronological order of printing is `Bibliography of periodicals=Idoszaki kiadvanyok bibliografiaja: 23 dec. 1989-31 dec. 1994` published by Fulop Maria in 1995. This work represents the first volume from the series `Mures Bibliographies` and encompasses 135 titles, with bibliographical description, numbered and alphabetically ordered. Critics instruments formed by seven types of indicators (after content, name, collective authors, publishing houses, geographic, chronological and ISSN) facilitate finding the publications and information from the description.
     In an interval of two years, in 1997 appears the second volume, from the series `Mures Bibliographies`, with the title `Bibliography of Books, Albums, Map printed in Mures County=A Maros Megyeben kiadott konyvek, albumok, tertepek bibliografiaja: 1990-1995`, issued, as the first one, by Fulop Maria. 524 books are classified after their content according the Universal Decimal Classification into ten big classes and chapters and they are bibliographical described according the provisions ISBN(M). We remark those volumes, that through their content have local references, and in very short notes this information is highlighted. Information grouped into seven indicators written down on the bottom of the work presents lots of aspects and nuances of the spiritual and economic society from the period mentioned in the bibliography.
     In 2000 two bibliographies of great interest were printed: a bibliographic dictionary of Romanian Mures writers and a bibliography of Mures periodicals from 1795 and 1972.
      Ana Cosma has put together the bibliographic dictionary `Romanian Mures Writers` and it is a pioneer works in Mures County. The author has been working for four years to the identification and research of the works of the 221 writers included in the dictionary, with the collaboration of Fulop Maria and Vintila Szasz Anna.
Being a bibliographical work, description of written documents is specifically bibliographical.
     `Mures periodicals=Maros megyei idoszaki kiadvanyok bibliografiaja: 1795-1972` written by Dimitrie Poptamas and Mozes Julia represents one of the most valuable books written about the history of Mures County. It has the merit of including 177 years of Mures publicize, over 350 pages and 547 titles of periodicals. The bibliographical part is completed by a very useful critical apparatus, made by a table content indicator, chronological, geographic and publishing houses indicators, as well as a bibliography of the main works and the short notes used. After one year, in 2001, was printed the continuation of the first Mures bibliography, that of periodicals. If the first volume presents the local Mures press on a period of five years (1990-1995), with the new volume the `landscape` of periodicals is completed for another five years, obtaining thus the image of Mures press in the last decade of the XXth century.
     `Periodicals Bibliographies = Idoszaki kiadvanyok bibliografiaja: 1995-2000` was written by Vintila Anna and it continues the conception line of the first volume.
The number of the registered publications is 390. Out of these, 377 periodicals were printed between 1995 and 2000 and 13 were printed before 1995 (given to the library lately).
     The criterion of including in the line of Mures periodicals was the place of printing. In the bibliography, there are included 13 titles that although they have not been published in Mures County, they are Mures publications, because they were printed here. Having a strong conviction of their necessity, Mures County Library would like to publish in the future other local bibliographies that would contribute to the intellectual and material image of our County. These are the followings: `Bibliography of Mures Books, Map, Albums (1996-2000)`, `Bibliography of Books, Albums, Map with Mures references (1990-2000)`, `Dictionary of Mures Scientists`.